There was a tragedy that occurred on May 16, 1979 in NYC that changed the way we look at buildings forever. The story behind this can be heard at our short podcast by clicking on this link ----->Most Awesome Architecture Podcast in the World
During the podcast, I offered a list of items that owners and their architects forget to submit to the NYC Department of Buildings while reporting the conditions of their facades. This list is copied directly from a handout that was provided by the NYC Buildings on January 2010:
1.Failing to provide certification that repairwork identified as necessary in the previous cycle has been completed.
2.Failing to state the cause and description of deterioration.
3.Failing to indicate when identified defects will render the condition of the façade Unsafe.
4.Failing to indicate which repairs will need a permit from the Department.
5.Failing to provide details about building appurtenances, such as flower pots and communication equipment.
6.Failing to indicate the status of a window air conditioner unit as either Safe or Unsafe. These units cannot be categorized as Safe With Repair and Maintenance Program (SWARMP).
7.Failing to indicate a time frame and completion date for repairs identified with SWARMP.
8.Failing to include all required items in the report, such as property profile and ownership information.
9.Failing to submit photographs and a location diagram.
10.Failing to include a statement on the façade’s water-tightness.
11.Failing to perform a close up inspection or it is in the wrong location.
12.Providing information and/or data in the report that is not the same as what is written on the TR6 or evidenced in photographs.
13.Failing to resubmit a copy of the “Notice of Rejection.”
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You can get your own copy of "Common Mistakes on Facade Reports at Link to NYC DOB Website
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