Where do you go when your world is falling apart around you? How about to the same quiet island that your parents would take you as an escape during your childhood?
This seems to be what Tiger Woods' wife plans to do.
I really hope that the Woods couple is able to mend their marriage. Word is out that Mrs. Wood has already packed the kids and moved down the block a ways from their own mansion. This seems to be just a launching pad before she really flees to her homeland.
Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren, used to go to a remote little island in her native country of Sweden as a little girl with her family. Faglaro Island is so remote that it can only be reached by boat. Only two of the some 140 homes on this island are occupied year around. The rest are used as summer retreats.

Mrs. Woods has reportedly purchased one of largest houses on the island with her twin sister. It has six bedrooms. At the time of this posting, there is no confirmation if Tiger has anything to do with this new $2 million purchase. But, the fact that his wife is planning to move to Sweden with their kids is probably the reason that Tiger announced recently that he is not going to play golf for awhile.
What would you expect this get-away house to look like? My first guess would be along the lines of the ordered architecture that one has seen from Sweden during the last century. You know, designed with simple lines, crisp, very geometric, and probably painted monochromatic. Something like this maybe...

But instead, the house is a two story colonial derivative that looks like it could use a little sprucing up. Here is a photo of the house that Mrs. Woods reportedly bought....

If you would like to know a little more about architecture from Sweden, take a look at other internationally noted Swedish architects such as Ragnar Östberg, Erik Gunnar Asplund, and Sven Gottfrid Markelius. Here are some of their past projects...

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