You don’t have to go to your nearest office depot, office max, or staples office supplies in order to pick up a valuable office resource that can transform your office into a marketing tool. Just pick up a copy of the book, “The Designed Office” to find at least 35 profit pointers that can immediately start putting money back into your pockets.
Here are some things that you will learn from the book:
• How to find the best location for your office.
• How to have an eco-friendly office.
• How to control the construction costs and get it built the way you want it built within your budget.
• How to get office furniture for free or at a steep discount.
This book can help you even if you work out of a home office.
If you only saved an average of $150 per month by implementing each of the 35 Profit Points from the back of the book, you would save $63,000 in one year. Can you imagine if you saved an average of $2500 per item per month? You would be putting over a Million Dollars back into your business. The cost of the book is at a near give away price of only $19.95 at http://www.MyDesignedOffice.com.
Be sure to pick up your FREE dozen BONUS gifts at that web site too!
This book is also found at BarnesandNoble.com and Amazon.com at possibly reduced prices.
You might even find it FREE at a local library.
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