Monday, June 28, 2010
Bamboo Living Homes
This short video shows how efficient bamboo is as a building product.
Would you like to live in any of the homes in this video?
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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Office Furniture Ideas

In case you were not able to attend the NeoCon convention this year, let me share with you some of the things that I saw there.
"Haworth" had an outstanding showroom filled with awesome furniture that can be used in offices and classrooms.
Knoll’s and Herman Miller’s showrooms were a good place to visit too. Some of the things that I saw in their showroom and in some of their “me too” competitors included:
• Ergonomically designed chairs. They had lines that were designed with various uses in mind. There were conference room chairs and desk chairs that looked enough alike but different enough to serve unique spacial needs.

• White boards were common too. Some showrooms showed entire walls finished with glossy white laminate surfaces that allowed the officer user to mark upon them with erasable color markers. Another variation of this was a special glossy white paint that can be applied to gypsum board walls that allow for erasable color markers to be used on them.
• Haworth has a good raised floor system that allows for almost any finished panel to be placed in tile like fashion. The finish of these panels could be terrazzo, VCT, stone, wood, or anything else you might want to step on. Raised floor systems allow the office to be wired and ducted below the walking surface. This allows the users to have easier access to the electrical, data, and HVAC systems in case these systems need to be altered during a future renovation of the office.

• There were several wall systems out there too. Every showroom had a slight variation of their design at the corners, base boards, and the way they butt the glass at joints. Some looked better than others. Haworth had one of the better designs.
• Of course, there were some gratuitous “green” designs. One showroom had polished river rocks in some kind of resin flooring system with log type benches and lime green upholstery. It was so “in your face” green that it just looked just manipulative towards anyone they hoped were overzealous about being environmentally conscience. I looked for photos of a particularly annoying showroom that had so much fake green stuff in it, it should have been in a Disney set, but I guess even that vendor was too embarrassed to broadcast photos to everyone.
There were a lot of other things that were there to see and I would be happy to talk with you further to even compare notes about what you might have seen there. Feel free to leave a comment below, email me at or call me at 212-594-2007 to catch up.
P.S. Haworth flew me up there to join them at NeoCon and to see their factory in Michigan. Thank you, Haworth for giving me such the red carpet treatment.

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Friday, June 18, 2010
Give Your Dad This for Father's Day!

"Click Here to Get the Best Father's Day Present Ever"
Don't forget that this Sunday is Father's Day. What are going to give that person who mentored you?
Here is a great idea, give him a package of Kennedy's All-American shaving products. They have been developed over 9 months of trials by my friend, Chris Hurn.

This is my buddy, Chris Hurn.
You may remember Chris from my last two podcast shows. He is the guy that has been spilling the beans about how to buy commercial real estate even in the recession. Chris used his own commercial loan product and bought a chain of barber shops and renamed it Kennedy's All-American Barber Club.
Go to this link to download the podcast to listen at your leisure... "Click Here to Hear More"
Some people say that the barber shop was named after the famous business and motivational speaker/author, Dan Kennedy. The concept of the club is a lot more involved than what I can explain here, but listen to this Monday's radio show to learn more after you given your dad the Kennedy's awesome shaving products.

During the upcoming radio show, will hear how Chris trashed up his own bathroom while developing this new set of shaving products to the point that his wife was about to kick him out of the house. Don't miss hearing more about it during the upcoming radio show on Monday, June 21, 2010 at 5:30 pm EST.
Here is the link to the list of podcasts that you can just click on the itunes icon to listen at your leisure as a podcast "Click Here to Hear Our Radio Show about Kennedy's Barber Club"
Read more about what I have to say about this great way to start your day and buy your dad the best gift you can ever find at

"Click Here to Get the Best Father's Day Present Ever"
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Sunday, June 13, 2010
David Byrne: How architecture helped music evolve
I have always been a fan of David Byrne because he has consistantly hit a nerve inside of me. From studying (architecture, I think) at the Rhode Island School of Design, writing and filming a spoof about living in my home republic of Texas, and to his experiencial use of spaces to create music, David has demonstrated that he really is a creative artist that likes to push the envelope.
Take a look at how he explains how architecture shapes music and then let me know what you think. Have you noticed that the music you hear is affected by where it is performed?
On a side note, I will be attending the NeoCon convention this week. If you are going there too, give me a call at 212-594-2007 so we can meet and greet while there.
Click on the "ReTweet" button below and follow me on twitter. I am LaneArch there.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Best Kept Secret in Commercial Real Estate
I was able to convince Chris Hurn, an expert at commercial real estate loans and frequent expert guest on FOX business news TV shows, to join me as a guest on my radio show today. The title of the show is "The Best Kept Secret in Commercial Real Estate."
Chris will expose how simple it can be to find money, especially during these recession times, to buy commercial real estate. Imagine, owning your own office building for your company or owning your own investment property like a shopping center. Here's how you can do it....
The radio show is a web based show that will be aired at 5:30 pm EST today.
Go to this link to download the podcast to listen at your leisure... "Click Here to Hear More"
If you miss the airing time, no problem, go there anytime and click on the "Fav" heart button, "Share" it with your friends, "RSS" it to have a reminder sent to you of future shows, and (best of all) click on the "itunes" icon to download it as a podcast so you can listen to the show and future shows while driving to work and play. All of these icons are found in a blue box at the center of the screen.
Let me know of your thoughts about the show and please share it with your friends.
Talk to you soon,
Larry Lane
Click on the "ReTweet" button below and follow me on twitter. I am LaneArch there.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What Does Tiger Woods and My Birthday Have in Common?

Yesterday was my birthday.
A few days before, my younger son was so impatient for me to open my present from him and his older brother that he just had to give me some clues. “What is one thing that you talk about that you really like,” he asked me.
“You and your brother,” I answered without taking a second to think about his question.
“No, I know that, but besides that, what else?...This present was MY idea. You are going to LOVE it!”
Well the pressure was on. I better show that I love it or I will disappointing someone that really put some thought into this year’s birthday of mine.
The present is a ticket for him, my older son, and me to attend the ATT National PGA Golf Tourney that is sponsored by Tiger Woods.
I am excited! What a gift!
The tournament is June 29-July 4. It is donating funds to the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, the Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia, and the Tiger Woods Foundation. It also offers the winner to receive a $1.116 million first-place check.
I will keep you posted about some of the sites that I see there. In fact, wouldn’t that be a good place to have a podcast field trip?
For all of you golf enthusiasts, send me a note about what I should look out for while attending this event. How easy will it be to get up close to some of the great pro golfers of our time?
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