What a pleasure to meet and visit with some people that share something in common with me last night!

OK, let me back up and explain who these people are. In order to do so, I have to open the curtain a little bit so you can grab a small glimpse as to why I do the things that I do….
There is a brilliant individual and corporate coach that teaches how you can achieve things that may seem

impossible or out of y
our reach. Her name is Dr. Sharon Melnick.
The gathering last night was made up of a small, handpicked group of people who share in common a fulfilling experience of learning her methods in her classes, through her monthly workshops, teleconferences, and her web site.
"Click Here to check out what Dr. Melnick has for you"One thing that was great about this mixer of like minded people is that we were able to share how we have applied what we learned while in her classes. Everyone had their own inspiring story to tell.
One common theme that has always been said about her methods is that it helps people remove their own self- doubts and other self imposed barriers that prevent most of us from achieving what we are all truly capable of achieving. In a sense, Sharon helps us learn how to “Get out of our own way.”
I shared with the group last night that what I got out of her classes was receiving the affirmation that I really don't need other's affirmation to pursue my dreams and goals. Conflicting statement, I know. Let me explain...
Her methods gave me a way to break open the vault, open new opportunities, and share unique services that are not normally provided by other architects. Therefore, we are not just another architectural firm, we are the “go-to” for our clients in order to empower their lives.
“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.”
- Margaret MeadBeing a "me - too" person only makes one a commodity and gives us very little value to offer that is more beneficial to our clients than the next guy. Unfortunately, the only thing that allows the "me - too" people to stand out from their competition is their discounted prices. You get what you pay for.
While they are cutting their prices, we have been building resources for our clients that can be used to enrich their lives – both at work and at play.
For the folks who what to find and/or renovate their home, we have developed a personal journal that anyone can download for free.
“The Experience Architecture Journal” gives people seven simple but important steps to follow to create an extraordinary home. It is free and can be downloaded as an e-book by clicking on the image with the yellow house at the right column of this blog.
For our corporate clients, having an edge over their competition is ever more important now during these challenging economic times. My book,
“The Designed Office,” shares 35 profit power points that show how their office can be transformed into a marketing tool. Take a peek at the book by clicking on the book image on the right column of this blog. Be sure to grab the dozen free gifts there. It is also sold at BN.com and Amazon.com.
Another value that I have developed for my clients is my podcast. During this weekly 15 to 30 minute live web based radio show, I share new ideas that people can use in their everyday life. At the time of writing this post, I have over 11,000 listeners. All of the content in the show has something to do with architecture. You can download the shows through iTunes for FREE and listen to it at your leisure at
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Lanearchitecture. Be sure to click on the iTunes icon while there. Go to this link to download the podcast to listen at your leisure...
"Click Here for the Podcast"The list goes on and on. Youtube TV show at
http://www.youtube.com/LarryLaneTV, this blog, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn,… you should find me almost anywhere. Feel free to click on the links on the right column of this blog.
If you have something that you would like to share with my audience and clients, contact me at info@LaneArchitecture.net to help them get out of their own way.”
You can see that there is no
“wizard” behind those curtains who is pulling levers and watching dials, but me and my associates working to build more value that you can use in your everyday lives.
We do not only pour out all of this over the top information to the special people as yourself who are wise enough to use it, we use it too. And from the testimonials that we have received from our clients, they appear to be glad that we do.
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