Most peoples’ view on how they want to live is first based upon their feelings and emotions. This is especially true with luxury items. For example, if one were focused only on their primal needs and not their emotions, then we would be living under lean-tos and tents. Instead, we feel that we need a more substantial place to call home for ourselves and our families. Their feelings may be sparked from a need for more space, prestige, or for a better location among many others. Therefore, the experiences that our spaces provide for us are a most important concern at the start of our new home search.
It is only after reacting to our emotions that we then make the decision to move from our current home and into another. This is when we start to feel our stomach turn and nerves on a slighter edge. Many have heard horror stories about their neighbor, friends, and family member’s renovation projects. Will the same surprises happen to you? Many questions start coming to mind:
How much will the construction cost?
How long will the renovation process take?
Should I sell my current home and rent during the construction period?
How do I find a contractor that I can trust?
All of these questions and many more that follow only stack upon each other until you really feel that you are “behind the eight ball” with no painless way out. "Experience Architecture" is created to help you stay away from that eight ball by pointing out a simple 7 step method that will help you the most of your investment and ultimately a home that fits you and your family like a custom made glove.
Just click here for your FREE copy of "Experience Architecture"
Call us at 212-594-2007 for a copy.
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